Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A new olympic sport has been born

April and her fiancée were driving on post going to the px, and they burped at the same time. They looked at each other, laughed, and April said "Ooh, tandem burping!!" Josh laughed and then said, "They need to make that into an Olympic sport."

Can you imagine this? An Olympic event center, packed to the brim...silence rules the air. In the center of the arena, the first two contestants walk out into the center of the ring. Male and female, in matching flannel shirts and hand in hand, stop while facing each other. Silence reigns. The two highly tuned athletes take deep, coordinated breaths and proceed to sing the ABC's in the language of the belch. The crowd is in awe of this amazing talent. Then it hits them, like a ton of bricks. Is it chicken? No, wait, I smell curry. GARLIC!!! The scoring would consist of 70% synchronization, 20% artistic talent, and 10% aroma.

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